Biological Warfare off the Irish Coast

In the course of my work today (I had a day that was far from boring, thanks be to God, but the rain was persistently pouring all the live-long day), I met a man who told me the reason behind the cutting back of American planes passing through Shannon airport on their way to the Middle Eastern colonies of the US Empire.
He said that the Americans were basing planes at Shannon and then testing some relatively mild chemical weapons (although the porcine brucellosis in question would give you severe stiffening of the joints, according to my man) in the Atlantic offshore, away from prying eyes. The Irish government discovered this, so they insisted that the Yanks take their nasty circus elsewhere. Well, I find it hard to picture our limpid government insisting on anything to the US government, apart from insisting that they love them very much and insisting that they can have whatever they want while their bands of butchers are in town.
The same man insisted that he knows that chemical weapons were used by both the Iraqis and the American-led "Bitches of America" grouping that bombed the shit out of people back in 1991. One of the things that the Americans were after and one of the things that they hoped would constitute a "smoking gun" to justify their wanton slaughter this time around, was a good batch of the chemical weapons that they actually sold to Saddam in the first place. But these things have a short shelf life and they disintegrate quickly. The yanks learned the Chemical weapons business from the Japanese at the end of WWII. The Japanese had been the first to use anthrax on live Chinese human bait at the beginning of that conflict and, similar to the bounty of German scientists that helped the space programme, the Western front yielded the reward of Japanese experts in biological warfare - something the Yanks then sold on to Saddam back when they considered him relatively cute compared to the bold bold Iranians.
He didn't seem crazy - all very interesting. On a totally unrelated topic, I'm thinking that I may well go down to the pub to watch Munster hammer the shit out of Bourgoin tomorrow evening.
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